The people who influence you are your friends or the person you have a relationship with. It's basically an issue of peer pressure.
Culture, sex and gender, physical factors, technology, and our sense of self are the five perceptual influences.
you cant change gender
You cannot change your gender in AQW unfortunatly :(
When you change gender from woman to man or man to woman. They change your genitals to the other gender by surgery.
You can now change your gender in Yulgar for 1000 AC ;)
Changes in society can change fast and slow by their influences. Societies change from growth and technology. Societies also change because of people and outside influences.
No, there is no glitch to change your gender in GTA 5 on Xbox One. You simply have to change your gender in the settings menu.
Gender is a socially constructed concept that influences how individuals identify and express themselves in relation to societal expectations of masculinity and femininity.
You can either change your gender when you start a new game or search up the action replay code for gender change. hope you have an action replay
i don't believe there is, only the option to change character's gender