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The Nervous system.

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Q: Which organ system to your five sense organs belong to?
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Which organ system helps your body to sense things?

The organ system that helps your body to sense things is known as the sensory system. This will rely on the circulatory fluids to send messages from the sense organs to the brain.

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Which organ detects changes in the environment?

Sense Organs

Organs of the respiratory?

There are several organs that make up the respiratory system. Some of these include the nose, throat, lungs, alveoli, bronchi and the larynx.

Can you get to know basic introduction to five sense organs?

background to sense organ

Are sense organs part of the peripheral nervous system or the central nervous system?

Sense organs are part of the peripheral nervous system. They detect stimuli from the environment and send signals to the central nervous system for processing and response.

What organ is a sense organ?

A sense organ is an organ of the 6 senses. The sense organs and senses are: the eyes--sight the nose--smell the tongue--taste the ears--hearing and balance the skin--touch

What type of membrane is also an organ system?

The skin is an example of a membrane that also serves as an organ system. It is the largest organ in the body and helps to protect internal organs, regulate body temperature, and sense the external environment.

What happen if we don't have sense organ?

Without the sense organs animals wont be able to sense their enemies. It is believed that today Man is a great threat to the animal kingdom. It is therefore necessary for animals to have sense organs.

Do plants have sense organ?

yes plants have organs

Sense organs on a zebra?

Zebras do not have any special or unique senses.