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Q: Which is the main effect of histamine?
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What has the author Michael A Beaven written?

Michael A. Beaven has written: 'Histamine' -- subject(s): Histamine, Metabolism, Physiological effect, Toxicology

Why does atropine effect histamine receptors?

It doesn't atropine only acts on muscarinic receptors (it's a competitive antagonist here for ACh), but histamine acts on different receptors (histamine receptors). There is no direct interaction between atropine and histamine receptors

Is Pheniramine an agonist or partialagonist or antagonist?

Pheniramine is a histamine drug which have anticholinergic action but its effect is agonistic or antagonist or partialagonist. Pheniramine is a histamine drug which have anticholinergic action but its effect is agonistic or antagonist or partialagonist.

What is the main function of eosinophils?

They are important in allergies. They produce the Histamine.

What is the effect of histamine on small as well as large blood vessels?

Histamine causes the dilation of the small blood vessels while constrict the large blood vessels.

What is the main difference between histamine and serotonin?

They have completely different functions in the body; histamine stimulates certain kinds of immune responses, and serotonin is a neuro-transmitter.

What is an anti-histamine?

An antihistamine is a drug or substance which counters the effect of a histamine - commonly used to alleviate the symptoms of hay fever and other allergies.

Is an antihistamine considered a sedative or a stimulant?

sedative, the stronger the anti histamine effect the more sedating.

What is the effect of antihistamines?

Antihistamines are chemicals that block the effect of histamine, in varying ways. Most antihistamines act on the H1 receptor. Physiologically, antihistamines stop the histamine reaction, and may also induce drowsiness.

What do basophils release?

Histamine and heparin

Can narcotics abuse cause itching?

One side effect of narcotics is itching throughout the body, due to histamine release.1 Many medications share this side effect.