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Q: Which is better getting up early or staying up late?
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Staying up late and getting up early.

How old can you start staying up late before getting up early to go places?


Is being awake at 3 a.m considered waking up early or staying up late?

Staying up late

What do early to bed early to rise make a man healthy wealthy and wise mean?

The phrase "Early to bed, early to rise" suggests that a man exhibits wisdom when he does not carouse late into the night, gets enough sleep and gets up early to start work thereby having a lot better chance of staying healthy and becoming wealthy.

Could anyone here share their stories as to how they struggled from staying up late to sleeping early?

I stuggled from staying up late by getting bad grades in school. I was losing my mind. I went to sleep at 2 in the morning and woke up at 6 for 3 years. I felt sick and exhausted. It turns out I suffer from chronic insomnia.

What was the Titanic's cost for a second class ticket?

$900 for late tickets and $200 for early thats for getting tickets early or late

What do you mean byEarly to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise'?

The phrase "Early to bed, early to rise" suggests that a man exhibits wisdom when he does not carouse late into the night, gets enough sleep and gets up early to start work thereby having a lot better chance of staying healthy and becoming wealthy.

Does starting late give you better grades?

No, it does not, I think you shoud try starting early.

Does staying up late affect your grade on a math test?

If you woke up late it may mean that you are not in your best psychological status on that day. It'll be better if you move your test passing for another time.

What does the proverb 'Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise' mean?

It means Up and at 'em! You won't go far in this world by staying out late at night and sleeping late in the morning.

What age can you start stayinbg up late before getting up early to go places?


What time of night does wisp the ghost appear in animal crossing?

12:00 am or I think 4AM, and that means staying up very late or waking up very early