

Best Answer

India Because Indian can Take a best kiss of gal... n other countries peoples only do 4 sex not 4 enjoying..Thanx

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Q: Which country has the best kissers?
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What is the duration of The French Kissers?

The duration of The French Kissers is 1.5 hours.

Who are the best kissers in Alabama?

how is anyone soupsed to know that?!?!?!!!!?! dont ask such stupid questions.

When was The French Kissers created?

The French Kissers was created on 2009-06-10.

When was Natural Born Kissers created?

Natural Born Kissers was created on 1998-05-17.

Who are the best kissers girls or boys?

Well the skill of the kisser depends completely on the individual, and hence it is not gender specific.

What are the release dates for Frog Kissers - 2012 TV?

Frog Kissers - 2012 TV was released on: USA: 5 July 2012 (ITVFest)

Are emo guys good kissers?

well all guys are different, but according to some of the girls i know they have said yes they are really passionate kissers

Who were the first kissers according to the Bible?

Adam and eve

What is another word for lips?

Mouth, kissers, smackers.

What jobs are there in the Rocky Mountains?

Peanut butter eaters and kissers

What is the episode where homer and marge are naked?

natural born kissers

Is justin beiber a good kisser?

Yes, I've never kissed him but I've heard hezz one of the best kissers =](oh and his name is spelled Justin Bieber...)