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natural born kissers

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Q: What is the episode where homer and marge are naked?
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How old was Homer when he first met Marge?

Homer and Marge were ten when they first met while away at summer camp in the episode 'The Way We Weren't' (episode 20, season 15).

Which Simpsons episode is it when Homer sings to Marge?

There are several episodes of the Simpsons in which Homer sings to Marge. For example, there is the 4th episode of season 14.

In which Simpsons episode do Marge and Homer become assassins?

its Treehouse of Horror XVIII its a aswome episode

In which episode does Homer reveal that Marge dyes her hair?

Secrets of a Successful Marriage

In which Simpsons episode does Marge cut off Homer's thumb?

Trilogy of Error

What name did Homer use on 1st date with marge?

Elvis Jagger Abdul-Jabbar, in 'The Way We Weren't' (20th episode, 15th season) when Homer and Marge met at summer camp.

What episode of the simpsons when marge drinking with homer?

It's from season 15 episode 15. It's called Co-Dependent's Day.

What was the song called when marge and Homer kiss in season 15 episode 20?

; Happy Together, Turtles, 1967 : [FABF13] Plays during young Marge's and Homer's kissing fantasies

In which episode of the Simpson's do Marge and Homer loose custody of their kids?

Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily

How did Homer Simpson meet Marge Bouvier?

Homer's proposal to Marge is related in the episode 'I Married Marge'. When Homer and Marge are parked at Inspiration point, Marge reads the index card on which Homer has written what he intends to say to her to propose marriage: "Marge, from the first moment I saw you, I never wanted to be with anybody else. I don't have much to offer you except all my love. Will you marry me?"

Does marge love Homer?

Yes,Homer is just stuburn and gets on marge's nerves.

Why did Marge Simpson kiss a women?

The only time Marge ever kissed a woman was in a fantasy of Homer's in episode 11 of season 20 called "How The Test Was Won"