Anorexia is a psychological condition - not a disease caused by a pathogen !
The sound the same "How many days you will live in a hell?Answer: till God will help to come back to surface
Hep. C
pathogen can easily live in places where it finds the appropriate nutritional and environmental gut,the wounds,the organs.different pathogens need different conditions for their growth.
Human Immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is a lentivirus that causes progressive failure of the immune system and creates the opportunity for life-threatening infections and cancers to live and thrive in the body.
When a pathogen has invaded a host, it has found a source of nutrition and a cozy place to live and reproduce. Our bodies are like Florida to a pathogen; the conditions are perfect to live in, and it's a pleasant place to call home.
The injected microorganisms in a vaccine may have the same antigens as the live pathogen, but they are weakened or killed to prevent disease. This allows the immune system to recognize and build immunity against these antigens without causing illness.
it means harmfull for live. this term is used for bacteria that cause diseas..
In the context of disease transmission, a reservoir is a place where a pathogen can live and multiply, such as an animal or environment. A vector is an organism that can carry and transmit the pathogen from the reservoir to a host. The relationship between a reservoir and a vector is that the reservoir provides a source of the pathogen, while the vector helps spread the pathogen to new hosts, contributing to the transmission of the disease.
the surface of the earth where we live is called crust.
You can live for about 77,78,82,110,94 days.
MRSA is a very tough cootie. It can survive in organic and inorganic surfaces for more than 100 days.