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pathogen can easily live in places where it finds the appropriate nutritional and environmental gut,the wounds,the organs.different pathogens need different conditions for their growth.

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Q: Place for a pathogen to live and multiply?
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When a pathogen has invaded a host, it has found a source of nutrition and a cozy place to live and reproduce. Our bodies are like Florida to a pathogen; the conditions are perfect to live in, and it's a pleasant place to call home.

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Anorexia is a psychological condition - not a disease caused by a pathogen !

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The cell will expel the phagosome that the pathogen was in through exocytosis.

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How is Mechanical transmission differ from biological transmission?

Mechanical transmission does not involove any infection of the transmitter. The pathogen does not grow or multiply inside the transmitter and no intermediat developement of the pathogen occurs until it is transmitted to host by the transmitter. Biological transmission does include developement of the pathogen inside the transmitter species.

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Bacteria do not need a host organism to live and multiply.

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Infection with a pathogen does not necessarily lead to disease. Infection occurs when viruses, bacteria, or other microbes enter your body and begin to multiply.

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An obligate plant pathogen is an organism that causes disease in plants but cannot be cultured independently of its host plant (one cannot manufacture a growth medium in the lab that it can live on).