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Q: Where does it go when you swallow the wrong way?
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you swallow it!

What happens if things go down the wrong pipe?

You could choke sometimes but most of the time it is not that severe.

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if you swallow anything where does it go? the stomach

Is it wrong to swallow your own semen?

Clearly, yes.

Where does the phlegm go if you swallowed it?

Phlegm will go into your stomach and the acid in your stomach will dispose of it naturally, just the way it does when you swollow food. It is not harmful to swallow phlegm.

What is murfy's laws?

"If something can go wrong it will.""If there is a wrong way to do something, then someone will do it."'If anything can go wrong, it will,' says Murphy's LawRead more: murphy-s-law

Where does the amniotic fluid from the lungs go after a baby takes its first breath?

They either swallow it on the way up or it comes out of their mouths.

What is wrong you have a sore throat and it hurts to swallow?

you probably have tonsillitis is your throat swelling really bad? if so go to the doctors and have it checked better safe than sorry

How do you swallow?

There is no real way to swallow really. It is more like an instinct that is built into the body.

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go to distortion world and go the wrong way

What could go wrong in a science lab and how do you stop it?

any can go wrong the best way to stop it is to read the instructions and be aware of your surroundings

Why don't black women swallow?

They cannot handle it or they believe it is wrong. It is a cultural thing. But there are women in every race who swallow as a part of oral sex.