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You could choke sometimes but most of the time it is not that severe.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Usually if you swallow a small amount of water it will go away, its only when you swallow a lot that you can get pneumonia.

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Q: What happens if things go down the wrong pipe?
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The food you are eating can go the wrong way and will end up trying to go into your wind pipe.

How can grape juice harm my trachea?

No. There should be no problem if it went "down the wrong pipe". Grape juice is not that dangerous. The coughing that you experienced was a reflex by the body to get it out of the wrong place.

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sometimes, it's known as "going down the wrong pipe". It does a good job usually.

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I'm not a real smart person n all but i think it goes down a certain pipe down your throat, into your lungs and then out again

What happens to the oxygen that breathe in?

I'm not a real smart person n all but i think it goes down a certain pipe down your throat, into your lungs and then out again

What is the function of treacheae?

a thin walled air way connecting the pharynx with the bronchi, this is the pipe that is used to control breathing. Hence when you say something went down the wrong pipe and you start choking, it is because the food went down the trachea instead of the esophagus.

What could happen from grape juice going wrong pipe and me coughing and choking?

Grape juice or anything for that matter will cause choking if going down the air pipe of the throat. The results are minor to nothing. This is dependent on how much grape juice went down the airway.

What goes up a drain pipe down but not down a drain pipe?

Foul Air

What causes food or liquids to accidently go down the wrong pipe?

Talking while eating because when you are talking you tend to breath through your mouth.