From your Medical Doctor just go ask him for it..... bhahahahaha
No but seriously from a drug dealer.....? most likely from whoever has it... it is illegal so dont go waving it around infront of cops....
MDMA (3,4 Methylenedioxy-N-methamphetamine) Is a chemical. There are not other MDMAs. DXM (Dextromethorphan) is a chemical. There are no other DXMs. Therefor there is no such thing as DXM "based" MDMA. But If You Take Please Be Careful Because You Can Die From It By Overdose Or Heat Exhaustion If You Dont Drink Water,,, And Also Be Careful Because If You Drink Way To Much Water You Can Die From Water Poison Proved Facts!!!
DXM usually when you buy it comes as just white powder, so I'm guessing its the white.
X is slang for ecstasy which is MDMA. MDMA is an entactogen/empathogen meaning it produces empathy, love, and emotional closeness to others. It is important to note that many pills sold as ecstasy do not contain MDMA but can contain amphetamines, research chemicals (such as mephedrone or MDPV) or other psychoactives (such as DXM).
Most things sold as ecstasy are far from it. Lots of pills are cut with amphetamines, meth, dxm, caffeine, etc. There have been no traces of heroin in pills (waste of dope since you'd have to eat so much) so the stimulants put in causes a sharp increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Pure MDMA (actual ecstasy) has an ld50 of about 5g so it's pretty safe to say if you're powder is pure then you're safe for the most part. Just take it slow and always use a test kit to test your pills and powder.
It takes four days for MDMA to get out of your system. But a body cleansing kit might do the trick. =] Also MDMA is not specifically tested for in the standard 5-panel drug tests, but it is chemically closely to amphetamines that recent MDMA users will test positive in both amphetamines (a common test) and methamphetamine(a somewhat newer and less common test).Also, many of street ecstasy are not pure MDMA and includes amphetamines (and may also contain DXM, caffeine, ephedrine etc) which may trigger drug tests. Home test your self and look for good detox
It depends heavily on the drug, the purity, and the location. MDMA (ecstasy, molly) is the most common club drug, and can cost anywhere from $8-30 a dose (an average dose of recreational MDMA ranges from 90-200mg. 120mg is the most common dose) where i live, pure MDMA powder (known as "molly") can usually be bought for $10-15 for a 100mg dose. Be aware though, that most of the time, mdma is impure, containing substances such as methamphetamine, 2cb and ketamine. Other club drugs include 2cb, amphetamines, (meth, adderall), ketamine, dxm, 5-meo-dipt, 5-meo-dalt, 5-meo-mipt and 2ce. These should usually range in $5-30 a dose
Yes Though MDMA is not specifically tested for in the standard 'SAMHSA-5" drug tests, it is chemically closely enough related to amphetamines that recent MDMA users will test positive in both amphetamines (a common test) and methamphetamines (a somewhat newer and less common test). Because of this, the detection periods for MDMA are very similar to those for amphetamines. Also, many tablets of street ecstasy are not pure MDMA and frequently includes amphetamines (and may also contain DXM, caffeine, MDA, MDE, ephedrine etc) which may trigger drug tests.
It would depend on the form, and the amount. If you were caught with an 8oz bottle of Syrup it would be no problem. If you were caught chugging an 8oz bottle of Syrup, you might get a few stares and maybe a call to the cops, who most likely will hassle you, and could cite you for any number of things, depending on your frame of mind. If you were caught with a pill of pure powder DXM, you'd probably get a possession charge and whatever else they'd like to add onto that. If you were caught with a kilo of DXM powder, you'd probably want to call a lawyer right now.
It would be difficult because of guaf. It would be better to get a true dxm only product. But an even easier way would be to find someone over 18 and pay them to get you pure dxm. In my town it's sold at all the pharmacies.
Yes if they looking for. MDMA (ecstasy) is not specifically tested for in the standard drug tests, but many company use also (pay for ) 6,7,8,etc.. panel tests include "additional" drugs such as: Barbiturates, Hydrocodone, Benzodiazepines, Ethanol ( Alcohol) ,MDMA etc..) Also MDMA it is chemically closely enough to amphetamines and recent MDMA users may test positive in both amphetamines and methamphetamines (standard test) btw "street "ecstasy are not pure MDMA and frequently includes amphetamines and may also contain DXM, MDA, MDE, ephedrine, etc... which may "trigger" drug tests (you may show positive for 2-3 different drug classes).
Reference, Basically MANY tryptamines and polytryptamines, marijuana, psilocybe mushrooms, MDMA, Opiates, Cocaine, DXM, Prescription drugs, Nutmeg....Oh the possibilities are endless.
Anything CAN be in them a pure ecstasy pill has only MDMA in it but that is often substituted with MDA or MDE or a variety or other drugs that have the same effect. Also press pills are most often cut with a variety of other drugs including meth, heroin, K, Coke, dxm, and many other things so know your soure and do your research