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It takes four days for MDMA to get out of your system. But a body cleansing kit might do the trick. =]

Also MDMA is not specifically tested for in the standard 5-panel drug tests, but it is chemically closely to amphetamines that recent MDMA users will test positive in both amphetamines (a common test) and methamphetamine(a somewhat newer and less common test).Also, many of street ecstasy are not pure MDMA and includes amphetamines (and may also contain DXM, caffeine, ephedrine etc) which may trigger drug tests. Home test your self and look for good detox

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15y ago

no depending what it ist mixed with. pure mdma leaves body 2-3 days

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Q: Will taking one tablet of ecstasy show on a drug test weeks later?
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What will happen if you took 2 ecstasy pills and you just found out you are 6 weeks pregnant will this harm your baby in any way if you quit taking ecstasy pills until after the birth?

See the Related Link. It might help you.

Can you mix ecstasy with Lexapro if you do not take Lexapro dose that day?

No you can't... both lexapro and ecstasy are dealing with the same material in your brain - seratonin. ecstasy brings it levels very high, while lexapro keeps it in a controlled level, so the ecstasy just won't work. not taking lexapro that day is meaningless, as the drug is not effective the same day, it keeps a certain level in your blood (which is why it takes 2 weeks after starting taking lexapro to really feel the effects)

You took an SSRI 1 night before ecstasy will you feel the ecstasy?

If you are taking an SSRI regularly, you should not be mixing it with MDMA. They both negatively affect each other. The effectiveness of both is diminished. It takes about 2-4 weeks for most SSRI's to clear your system.

Is Ecstasy Traceable?

Yes it is. It is traceable in urine up to about a weeks time.

What if you stopped taking doxycycline used to treat chlamydia and start taking it again weeks later?

Not likely to be effective. Contact your health care provider for a new prescription.

What are bad symptoms in the long run from taking 1 ecstasy pill a night 1 to 3 nights per week while I never used other drugs as well as being a non smoker and a 2 or 3 glasses of beer drinker?

It's best to rest 4 to 6 weeks after taking ecstasy to do it again. Taking ecstasy 1 to 3 nights per week can cause your serotonin levels to stay low and cause depression and mood swings, etc. It may permanently cause these effects, but will not put holes in your brain as most people say.

Can taking coke or ecstasy kill an unborn baby?

Yes, In fact this girl I know took ecstacy for about two weeks in order to abort her baby and was successful -I would not in any circumstance suggest this as a method for abortion though

Will you pass drug urine test two weeks after taking cocaine?

Maybe... Most of the ecstasy will be metabolized within 3-5 days so tests specifically for it would probably not detect it. HOWEVER - the metabolic byproducts can remain longer and it is highly probable that you would test positive for amphetamines even a week later - just not ecstasy specifically.

How many times can you take ecstasy in a week?

It usually takes your body about five days to recover from ecstasy, so if you take it again five days later you should get the full effects again. That doesn't mean you should do it, because that is very destructive to your body to always put it under the stress of recuperating. Wait at least two weeks before taking it again, and take care of yourself by eating well and exercising.

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He didn't, really. He was shot just months after taking office, and died a few weeks later.

How many tablet of mentrogen could be used in a weeks pregnancy?

two tablets

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