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Q: When you are under physical stress what hormones is released quickly to stimulate an increase in blood glucose concentration?
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Would there be an increase or decrease in the rate of osmosis if the temperature were raised?

Osmosis is a physical process in which the net flow of solvent is from there higher concentration to their lower concentration. As osmosis is physical process it first increase with increase in temprature but get constant after some extent.

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The endocrine system, specifically the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, releases hormones that signal the start of puberty. These hormones stimulate the production of sex hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, which are responsible for the physical changes associated with puberty.

Stress create numerous physical reactions such as focused concentration and increased agility?

The body releases a hormone when frightened or stressed, specifically, epinephrine, the "flight or fight" hormone.

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The pituitary gland, located in the brain, secretes hormones that stimulate the growth and development of various physical changes during adolescence. These hormones signal other glands in the body to release hormones that are responsible for the changes associated with puberty.

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increase the concentration of the solution and change its physical and chemical properties.

Can mental stess increase diabetes?

Hormones often act or counteract to maintain relatively ideal conditions in the body. During stress (physical and mental) stress hormones are released. These stress hormones are antagonists to insulin; while insulin decreases blood sugar concentration, stress hormones are increasing it. That reaction is normal for fight or flight situations, and is counteracted/normalised by other hormones as the situation changes back to normal. In diabetics, however, the normalisation is less efficient, as they already have difficulties maintaining reference range blood glucose levels. Prolonged stress is not helpful for diabetics.

How do hassles affect feelings of stress and physical health?

The hassles experienced in modern day life affect the feelings of stress and physical health by prompting the brain to release certain hormones and chemicals that increase worrying in the brain .

Why antrum gastrics?

Because you stimulate your self through physical contact.

How can physical activity stimulate cooperation?

all i know is by working in a team

Generally How does increasing the concentration affect the rate of a chemical or physical?

Generally in a way that's far too complicated to give a single answer for.

What physical affects does it have on the body?

A stimulate is something that makes you happy, jolly, excited and/or alert! For example, caffeine is a stimulate. Can you think of any other stimulates?

An increase in breathing rate can be triggered by an increase in the?

An increase in breathing rate can be triggered by an increase in carbon dioxide levels in the blood, low oxygen levels, physical exertion, stress, or high altitude. These factors can stimulate the respiratory centers in the brain to increase the rate and depth of breathing to help maintain proper gas exchange in the body.