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Q: When you are doing normal daily activities you forget to breathe why?
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You can't. What you can do is forget about checking the time and go on with your normal daily activities and the time will appear to pass quicker.

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Go about your day means to continue with your normal daily activities.

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How do plants breathe daily?

Plants "breathe" constantly. Not just daily.

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All the synovial joints that are used in normal daily activities, like the muscles and joints of the arms and legs.

Being in good physical health means that your body has the ability to cope with the stresses of normal daily life?

Not necessarily as resiliency of the mind is also required to rebound from the onslaught of negative stress of normal daily life. Often times, we forget to deep breathe during times of stress which can adversely affect the physical well-being of our body. Therefore, good physical health fluctuates and can be enhanced by the resilience of a positive mind that does not dwell on the past but thinks good thoughts or sees the humor in the normal craziness of life and people.

How often should the normal person defecate?

Daily activities and adequete foods makes a person heallthy.A normal & healthy person should defecate twice a day.

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Co-curricular activities are directly related to the academic curriculum and are usually graded or have a specific learning outcome. Extra-curricular activities, on the other hand, are activities that are not part of the academic curriculum and are pursued outside of regular classroom hours.

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After the scan, the patient should be able to continue with normal daily activities with no problems.