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Daily activities and adequete foods makes a person heallthy.A normal & healthy person should defecate twice a day.

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Q: How often should the normal person defecate?
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How often should your tiger salamander defecate?

As often as he wants to.

How often do you have a defecate?

At least daily

How often do animals defecate?

24 hours.

How often do you defecate in a day?

once a day

Why do birds defecate on cars?

Birds don't know what a car is, they just need to defecate. Also, they often defecate as they fly so their poop falls just anywhere.

Do people drool after they die?

When people die, they often expel their bodily fluids. It would not be uncommon for a deceased person to drool, urinate, or defecate.

How often should puppies defecate?

The average is three times a day as puppy's need to be fed three times a day. But as they get older they should only have food two times a day.

How often should you let your dog out when deworming?

The normal amount of times you would let your dog out any other day. If you are worried about your dog having to defecate more often, don't be. The worms are typically absorbed into the body after the dewormer kills them and are usually never seen in the stool. Most worms are microscopic anyways. Dewormers do not usually cause diarrhea.

Does a horse stand still to take a poop?

Horses defecate while doing whatever they were doing when the 'urge' hit them. If they were standing still, then yes, they stand still. If they were walking, then they walk when they defecate. If horses are alarmed, they often defecate while running away.

How often do russian tortoises defecate?

Whenever they need to ! There is no set number of times a day !

What are the garter snake's defenses?

They will often defecate (crap) on whatever is holding them and release a foul odor.

How does a snake defecate?

Snakes have a single opening called the cloaca, where they pass both waste and reproductive fluids. When a snake defecates, feces and urine are released simultaneously through the cloaca. The waste products are typically in the form of a uric acid paste.