Lung, Heart, so in other words every thing in your body is affected
The long-known fact that smoking causes irreparable harm, first turn it concerns the heart and lungs lungs.Disease provokes the development of tuberculosis, cancer, they change color, develop a cough.
Smoking causes a multitude of health problems, so not smoking prevents health problems.
lung cancer and other numerous problems.
There are many health problems that can be related to smoking as a teen. One of the most serious is the increase risk of cancer, including lung cancer.
Smoking does indeed cause many health problems, but they rarely appear during youth or young adulthood. Serious, chronic and often deadly health problems develop slowly over years of tobacco use.
It causes all of the same health problems except for yellow teeth. smoking not only causes harm to you but it harms those around you.
it is because of improper diet,drinking alchohol and smoking.
smoking increases the risk of cancer, you will get addicted . you will get different problems . smoking is bad for your health . HEALTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Women's Health offer good information and advice on the problems of women smoking. One can also find free and good advice on the NHS website and British Medical Bulletin.
The fetus will be harmed and certainly will be born with health problems. Quit smoking and give the most valuable gift to your future baby: THE HEALTH.
Smoking is harmful to your health because it increases the risk of developing serious medical conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. It also affects the health of those around you through secondhand smoke. Quitting smoking can greatly improve your overall health and quality of life.
Many persons who smoke have health problems like heart diseases or lung illness, tobacco smoking affects the brain , has a bad influence on your blood pressure.
Smoking is not good for health.