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Q: When of these most directly impacts a person's physical health?
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What most directly impacts a persons physical health?

Food and nutrition

Which of these most directly impacts a person's physical health?

Which of these most directly impacts a person’s physical health?

I am doing an entry and its due tues. Is a persons physical health related to mental health?


Why is your comfort important?

My comfort is important because it directly impacts my well-being and ability to function optimally. When I am comfortable, I am more relaxed, focused, and able to handle stress and challenges better. It contributes to my overall mental and physical health.

What's the definition of Mental health?

The World Health Organization defines Mental Health as "... a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community" Mental health is an important part of a persons well being, and can directly effect physical health.A person who is not in good mental health conditon can many times also have issues with their physical health. Severe depression can cause actual physical ailments.

Physical health problems experienced by victims of trafficking in persons can include?

Broken bones and Respiratory Problems

What is mental and physical health?

Physical health is a persons physiological condition, relative to 'healthy' individuals of similar age, gender, etc...; this includes all organs including your brain. While a persons mental health deals with one's psychological function and condition relative to those psychologically 'healthy'. One who is physically healthy is not always mentally healthy, and visa versa; although there usually is a positive correlation between a person's physical and psychological well being.

Why would a persons self-esteem affect his or her health?

because low self-esteem comes from a bad diet, which is bad for a person's physical and mental/emotional health!

How do social and physical health affect mental and emotional health?

Social and physical health can have significant impacts on mental and emotional health. Positive social connections and support can improve mental well-being, while social isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression. Engaging in regular physical activity can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as improve overall mood and self-esteem. Conversely, physical health problems can contribute to mental health issues like stress and anxiety.

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An infant's temperament refers most directly to its?

Out of A. ability to learn. B. physical attractiveness. C. emotional excitability. D. physical health The answer is C

A sentence using substance?

Substance abuse can have serious and long-lasting impacts on a person's physical and mental health.