you have to chart your period it is about 14 days before your next period if you have a normal cycle if you dont have a normal cycle you could use an ovulation kit to see when you are fertile.
Yes. But the day before your last day of ovulation is the most fertile.
no your not you fertile from 6-10 days after your period
Still fertile with a large population.
There MIGHT be some species where that is the case, but usually - no. Mammals for instance, particularly humans, are NOT fertile every day.
No, the Fertile Crescent is located in present day Iraq.
On 13
A "fertile day" is a term used in lunar gardening. It refers to these signs: Water signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces (the most fertile) Earth signs Capricorn and Taurus The air sign Libra Fertile days are preferred days for planting.
I believe that you mean your fertile period, this means the time during your menstrual cycle that you are able to get pregnant. During a typical 28 day cycle a woman would be fertile from day 7-16.
The Fertile Crescent is the area of land in modern day Iraq between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
The modern-day countries that occupy the Fertile Crescent are Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel/Palestine.
How fertile a woman is after menstruation depends on the woman and on her menstrual cycle. During the average 28 day cycle a woman is most likely to ovulate on day 14 and can be fertile between days 7-16 - if a woman's cycle is shorter she could ovulate directly after menstruation so be at her most fertile.