A whole lemon??? If so you would probably choke. But small pieces of lemon are OK.
The custom of serving a slice of lemon with fish dates back to the Middle Ages. It was believed that if a person accidentally swallowed a fish bone, the lemon juice would dissolve it
need urgent care
it will be broken down
It will pass through your body unchanged.
Nothing. You could get an STD if he had one.
you could either die if it is poisonous or just nothing will happen
i would laugh =)
It depends. If you swallowed a Portuguese man of war, you would be dead.
well first off, how big is this duck cos if the dog swallowed it whole, chances are it would choke. Second, how would the fish swallow a live wasp if fish live in water? Surely cos the fish lives in water, the wassp would drown and not be alive. BUT if this was liek a wierd world where this could happen...then everyone would die.
Nothjing would happen if a pollen grain from a rose flower fell on the stigma of a lemon flower
Nothjing would happen if a pollen grain from a rose flower fell on the stigma of a lemon flower