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Nothing. You could get an STD if he had one.

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Q: What would happen if you swallowed sperm?
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What happens if sperm is swallowed by a female?

There is nothing going to happen to you. If you think you will get pregnant, then the chances are zero.

Can swallowed sperm delay period?

Swallowed sperm has no effect on menstrual cycles or periods. Menstruation occurs due to hormonal changes in the body and is independent of activities like oral sex or swallowing sperm.

Can sperm act as a contraceptive if swallowed by a woman?

read pill for sperm.

You swallowed your boyfriends sperm and a day later you had a bad stomach ache is this because you swallowed?


What would happen if you swallowed a ring pull?

need urgent care

What would happen to insulin in the stomach if it was swallowed as a tablet?

it will be broken down

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It will pass through your body unchanged.

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What would happen f a gargle is swallowed?

you could either die if it is poisonous or just nothing will happen

Would a woman get sick if she swallowed all of the horses sperm?

It is highly unlikely that a woman would get sick from swallowing a horse's sperm, as it would likely be broken down by stomach acids. However, it is important to note that consuming bodily fluids can expose an individual to potential health risks, such as infections or diseases.

What do you think would happen if a particular sperm only had a few mitochondria?

that sperm would be the man.

What would happen if you ate a jellyfish?

It depends. If you swallowed a Portuguese man of war, you would be dead.