300 grams of sugar or 300 grams of carbohydrates (some of which was sugar)? Processed or mostly from fruit? 300 grams of processed sugar is a lot. Yes, that's bad. Unless you happen to need thousands of extra calories than the rest of us, that much sugar is way too much. Even 300 grams from fruit is...well, it's a lot of fruit. The RDA for carbohydrates is about 300 grams- most of which should not be sugar!
Sugar is to food as gasoline is to a car. Just like how a car needs gasoline to run, food often needs sugar to taste good and give us energy. But just like how too much gasoline can ruin a car's engine, too much sugar can wreak havoc on our bodies. So, enjoy your sugar in moderation, just like you would with a car and its gasoline.
Having a healthy diet is necessary for us because if we don't have a healthy diet and eat too much sugar, fat or not enough vitamins many BAD things can happen such as:-1)Obesity ( over-weight )2)Lack of energy.3)Sickness ( can also be incurable diseases )
The World Is Too Much with Us was created in 1807.
Yes! If you do this your body will explode and it will do backflips into space!
Too Much! Too Much!
5 pounds.
Too much salt and too much processed starch is bad for hamsters just as it's bad for humans. But hamsterrs are much smaller than us so things that we consider small are large to them. Too much salt will make them dehydrated and probably give them high blood presure. Too much crackers or bread will make them fat and constipated.
This is because, sugar is used to give your body energy for your day-to-day acitvities. so, the sugar helps in giving energy as it is an important part of carbohydrates.
Most sugar comes from sugar cane, a tropical plant grown in southern US states and around the Caribbean but it can also come from beet (much of the sugar in the US is actually beet sugar). Sugar is also present in many fruits and vegies, not to mention sugar maples, honey and sorgham.
too much
They spend too much in army.