Its a chastity belt.
A chastity belt is a device worn around the genital area to prevent sexual activity. It is typically designed with a locking mechanism to restrict access to the wearer's intimate parts, often used in historical contexts to control the behavior of women or in BDSM practices for consensual power dynamics.
Buckle a chastity belt around her.
a bronze chastity belt.
Ask her for money to purchase a chastity belt
According to the article at the link below, there is no credible evidence of chastity belts existed before the 15th century.
Probably a chastity on this one....sorry being irreverant again..
Penis shrinkage and general uncleanliness of those AREAS.
Historically chastity belts have been used for the prevention of sexual intercourse. They were originally used out of fear although more recently have been used for pleasure.
Roman Catholic AnswerThere are three knots in a Friar's cincture (the rope that they use for a belt), they represent their three vows, or promises, of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
For Chastity was created in 1960.
Chastity in Tagalog is "kabirginan" or "kasinungalingan."