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A very rude one

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Q: What type of person consistently refuses to give a direct answer to a direct question?
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Can you evict a co-owner of your house if he filed bankruptcy and refuses to continue payments?

That is a good question, since the co-owner may have become a tenant by discharging the debt. You have to be careful not to violate his Automatic Stay, meaning that you can't badger the person for payments. Direct your question to an attorney.

What is a person called that cannot give a direct answer to a question?

A person who cannot give a direct answer to a question is often called evasive or ambiguous.

Who says I don't know?

When asked a question, the direct and honest person who does not have the information to correctly answer that question will say, "I don't know."

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When you ask a person a question and they answer right away are they telling the truth?

ANSWER: This all depends on what the question is. For some if a person is lying, he or she is answering your question with the question. And for others you will know they are telling the truth by answering your question and with direct eye to eye contact..

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There are some who would answer this question as: Every person who fails, or refuses, to give at least as much as they take from that which is the provenience of all - and harm no other in the doing.

A is a characteristic that distinguishes one person from another and that causes a person to behave more or less consistently?

Trait is a characteristic that distinguishes one person from another and that causes a person to behave more or less consistently.

Is the any psychological info on a person who refuses to answer a question by ignoring or not responding and why would a person do this?

If someone feels the answer would be embarrassing or make them look bad, they might not answer it. It is a common Asian behaviour to ignore other people.

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The pronoun "who" is used to ask a direct or indirect question about a person.

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a person with a record of failing; someone who loses consistently failure

When using an interpreter to communicate with a person you may be in contact with as part of your work role?

not important who you direct your question and comments to

When using an interpreter to communication with a person you may be in contact with as part of your work role?

not important who you direct your question and comments to