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Down syndrome: an extra 21st chromosome, a trisomic disorder where a person has too much genetic information. Many varying traits such as full face, short, large forehead. Affects 1 in 600 babies. Mothers over 40 years of age have a 1 in 40 chance of having a Down Syndrome baby.

TURNER'S SYNDROME: when the sex chromosomes, pair 23, undergo nondisjunction to form a female with a single "X" chromosome. The zygote has 45 chromosomes, monosomic. Females are short, thick necks, sexually underdeveloped. Affects 1 in 10000 births (more miscarried).

KLINEFELTER'S SYNDROME: the zygote inherits two "X" chromosomes and a single "Y" chromosome, trisomic "XXY" as cells have 47 chromosomes. Child is male at birth, produce high estrogen levels at puberty, sterile. Affects 1 in 1000 births.

SUPERMALES: Unlike normal "XY" males these "XYY" males have 47 chromosomes, trisomic. Subnormal intelligence, taller, can be violent.

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Q: What type of disorders result from nondisjunction?
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What is nondisjunction in chromosomes and what is the result?

Nondisjunction is the addition or deletion of an entire chromosome. The result could be autism or downs syndrome

What is a chromosomal disorder that could result from nondisjunction?

Disorders, such as Down's Syndrome, are caused by nondisjunction.

Is fragile x syndrome a result of nondisjunction during meiosis?

yes . it is . nondisjunction is takes place during meiosis.

The process that result in Down syndrome is called?


What causes disorders sush as klinefelter syndrome and turner syndrome?

non disjunction of sex chromosomes

In Jacob syndrome did the nondisjunction occur in the mother or father?

Jacob syndrome, 49XYY, has to occur as a result of nondisjunction in the father. The Jacob Syndrome male would have received the X chromosome from his mother, and both Y chromosomes from the father (since the Y chromosomes can not possibly have come from the mother). Jacob Syndrome can be the result of nondisjunction in meiosis.

What happens if nondisjunction occurs during meiosos?

If nondisjunction occurs during meiosis the result could be a wide range of mutations. Most likely it would result in mosaicism meaning there will be a mixture of affected cells and non affected cells.

What occurs during nondisjunction?

If nondisjunction occurs, abnormal numbers of chromosomes may find their way into gametes, and a disorder of chromosome numbers may result.

How can nondisjunction in meiosis result in a diploid gamete?

If all of the chromosomes fail to separate in meiosis, then nondisjunction can result in a diploid gamete. This is a type of chromosomal mutation. In animals, a zygote produced from the union of a mutated diploid gamete and a normal haploid gamete will have triploidy, which is lethal. In plants, this is not necessarily lethal.

How does nondisjunction cause chromosomal disorders?

Nondisjunction is the disappointment of homologous chromosomes to detach accurately during meiosis. This outcomes in the creation of gametes containing a more noteworthy or lesser chromosomal sum than typical ones. Therefore the individual might create a trisomal or monosomal condition.

Many chromosome mutations result when chromosomes fail to separate properly during what?

Meiosis, specifically during anaphase I and anaphase II. This is known as nondisjunction and it causes aneuploidy, such as trisomy 21

Which process could result in the type of cell mutation that causes Down syndrome?

Down's syndrome is caused by trisomy of the 21st chromosome. This is mostly caused when the chromosome pair fails to separate properly (nondisjunction).