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You make up my whole world.

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Q: What to say when someone is your everything?
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What do you say when someone says your funny?

if someone says your funny just say lol i know. lol get you out of everything.

What do you do if someone is a pathological liar?

Treat everything they say as potentially untrue.

What does it mean when someone says everything is riding on this?

It means that what you say or do will result in a great consequence or reward, for example, if somebody offers you £1 million if you get a question right, but if you get it wrong he will kill you, someone would say "Everything is riding on this"

Why does he say i am his best friend?

If someone says that then that is the way they feel - they enjoy everything about your company.

How do you deal with someone who thinks everything you say is sarcastic?

tell them to grow up and get a freaking life!

What do you do when your really mad at your cousin for telling someone everything i say?

To try to play with other cousins

What do it mean when someone say you have got the x factor?

It means you have the 'whole package' - you have everything required.

What does it mean when someone calls you their everything?

when someone calls you there everything it means that with out you they are nothing which also means you are like a power source to them they need you they love you very much to say something like that to you Answer The above answer is exactly true. When someone is your everything, with them you can get through anything. Without them, there is no light in your life. When you truly love someone they are your everything. Without them there is no joy, no real happiness, or the emotional intensity that such love adds to your life.

What if you win a prize to hang out with someone famous but you don't like them what would you say?

Well, I would politely say "No thanks" to the person who organized the event. And cancel everything and give it to someone else.

How is the phrase 'everything in between' used in daily life?

Well, someone who has traveled the world might say "I've been from Australia to Zimbabwe... and everything in between."

What does the idiom 'there there' mean?

It's a nonsense phrase used when someone is upset or sad. You pat them on the back and say "There, there." You can also say "there, there, everything will turn out right."

What can someone with bipolar do?

They will say at a manic state,"anything ". And they can do everything a non bipolar person can do also, often better!!