It means you are funny
a joker
Oh, mhel is this sexy new word that means My Head Exploding Laughing. You can say it after someone says something funny! Have fun using it!
Yes because LOL means Laugh Out Loud and if someone says that something funny must of happened!
A "cocky funny" person is a person who conveys aspects of being a funny person and someone who is very sure of themselves. For men, this can create sexual attraction from women.
When someone says congratulations to you, or when someone congratulates you, say, "Thank you".
Keith Lemon may say "Potato situation" in an Irish accent.
The same thing you say when someone says "you're welcome" - nothing.
They have horizontalized their perpendicular.
It is called sarcasm when someone says the opposite of what you say in a mocking or ironic way.
say 'ok'
When someone says "afwan" in Arabic, it means "you're welcome" in response to "shukran" which means "thank you." You can reply with "afwan" as well to acknowledge their thanks. It is a polite way to show gratitude and reciprocate the appreciation expressed towards you.