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yes trucks are better than because cars you can do a lot more with a truck than you can with cars

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Q: What to girls like better cars or trucks?
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What do girls like better cars or trucks?


Do teen girls like boys with trucks better than boys with cars?

Probably not

What do guys like girls to drive - trucks or expensive cars?

Expensive cars, because trucks are too manly.

What to put in a baby scrapbook?

put things like cars, trucks, helicopter and planes for boys and dolls, rainbows and etc for girls.

What kindove cars do girls in high school like?

Girls in high school Like any kind of car really. As long as the guy has one it shows that he has freedome. But in paticular girls like diffrent kinds. Some are into fast cars, some just like them loud. Some like big trucks. It really depends on the personality of the girl take it from me( cuz im a girl) girls like the hoods off corvettes:)

Where can one find used pickup trucks online?

One can find used pickup trucks from websites like Cars Direct, Pickup Trucks, Cars, U-Haul, Your Trucks For Sale, Audotrader, Enterprise Trucks and Woodcrest Motors.

What is better fury or royal trucks?

personally i like Royals better Independants have great trucks as well

Does Larry the cable guy like cars or trucks?

He prefers horses.

Are longer skateboard trucks better?

sure, if you like wide and low trucks

What type of cars were there in the 60s?

the cars of the 60s were mainly muscle cars but there were more like the Volkswagen's, Oldsmobile's, sedan, and pickup trucks.

Do girls like guys or just cars and money?

Some girls are awesome, and like guys for who they are, some girls like guys cause they're hot, and some jerky girls like guys for their money and their cars.

How many trucks does it take to make a convoy?

it mostly like 200 or more or less there cars trucks military vehicles