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First of all, what everyone says but it is true, drink LOTS of water. Even if you're needing to go to the toilet every 10 mins its worth it to rehydrate yourself. At only 2% dehydration you will feel thirsty. Make sure you're having snacks reguarlaly, bananas are good as they are high in potassium which slowly releases energy and keeps blood sugar levels at the right point. Eggs are good for blood sugar too. Sometimes you just need to stop, so try having a lie down, doing some deep breathing and relaxing, then getting up SLOWLY.

It could be an underlying cause though like iron defficency, if you're anemic or on your period your iron levels will drop dramatically. Take iron supplements and see if these help. Get the doc to check your blood pressure also.

Hope this helps.

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14y ago
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15y ago

== == A good way to cure a headache is to try and have a short nap. If you struggle to get to sleep take a headache tablet and sip a glass of water. === === For tension headaches, medications like aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen often work.

If you have a sinus headache, you should incorporate a decongestant in with a pain reliever.

While some migraines are helped by an acetaminophen compound or a strong dose of ibuprofen, many are not. Laying still in the dark and trying to sleep it off may be an option. However, as migraines can last several days - and may include nausea and vomiting, it is often best to seek medications prescribed by a neurologist. You can also try the over the counter medication Gelstat Migraine, which is a feverfew/ginger compound. In my experience throbbing headache can be caused by alcohol due to what is called hangover. The cause is gastritis. My experience is that indcuced vomitting (After drinking lot of plain water) relieves this kind of headache instantly and relives the nasal and sinus congestion also. try drinking lots of water it'll help. then take a nap, your head will rest and your headache will be cured!

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12y ago

tell an adult you trust

go to the doctors the doctors will ask you some questions.

you might have and MRI (its not surgery or any pain. its just when a doctor puts you to sleep and then scans your brain). hope i helped. if you need more help, look for another website. :)

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12y ago

Smack Your Self in The Face With A Biscket , Then Scream " BRING ME GRAVEY FOR MY BUNS !

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14y ago

Let time pass by

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14y ago

sit down quickly

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Q: What to do when you get lightheaded?
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why you get lightheaded when i pass gas? simply because it smells like a$$!

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I never got lightheaded when i cleaned mine. I only did when i took mine out and changed it. Everyone is different in their piercing though.

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It means you are very dizzy or high.

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What happens when you get hit in the temple and it gets swollen and feel a little lightheaded?

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Is it normal for your mom to feel lightheaded and dizzy?

Lightheaded and dizzy symptoms are non-specific, meaning they both can relate to many different kinds of problems. Neither is a normal state. Each of these symptoms often are caused by inner ear trouble, but they could also indicate a problem with blood sugar or blood pressure, etc. Only a doctor can diagnose why your mom feels dizzy and lightheaded.