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This could be caused by pink eye, or another similar condition, it could also be bacteria, you may want to wash your out with water, and if you would like, contact a physician just incase.

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Q: What to do if your eye is red?
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It removes the red eye infection to our eye. It removes the red eye infection to our eye.

What is red eye correction?

It's when you take out the red eye in a picture

Do people born at Halloween have red eye?

No, they don't have red eye.

Does angle effect red eye?

What effect does angle have on red-eye effect?: Angles refract light into your eye and into the lens cap causing the red. Angles of light effect red-eye by reflecting light in certain directions of your eye.

What is it called when you have a itchy red weak eye?

when you have a red and itchy weak eye it is called pink eye.

When was Red Eye Records created?

Red Eye Records was created in 1985.

When was Red Eye Radio created?

Red Eye Radio was created in 1969.

When was Red Eye released?

Red Eye was released on 08/19/2005.

What is the planet with big red eye?

The planet with a big red eye is Jupiter

What to use to get your eye red?

you can rub your eye with your hand. poke your eye keep your eye open for a long time hope you have fun making your eye go red! :)

Are red eye tree frogs mammals?

No, red eye tree frogs are not mammals.

How much caffeine in red eye?

red eye hs 165 mg of caffeine