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Run to the kitchen and grab the vinegar. Just splash on liberally to ease the burn. Sure you'll smell like a salad, but it will feel much better. If you have Noxema on hand, use that liberally. Bathe in cool water, then slop the Noxema on. It will help you tan that burn with very little peeling. Just keep applying until your skin won't absorb any more. It will cool it too.

Oh and next time? Use sunblock?

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Q: What to do if you have really bad sun burn?
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If it's a bad sun burn than it can be puss, or just skin. Ever wonder why your skin feels hot when you have a sun burn? That's your lower skin layers still burning, it can last for days!

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If you mean "sun" not "sin" then yes. You can get a pretty bad sun burn while skiing if its sunny outside.

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yes. this can burn the plant

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Not really, but to confirm ask a science teacher or scientist.

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