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food, water and shelter

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Q: What three things could you not live without?
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What are the three things that you cannot live without?

Phone, PC and WiFi

What can't you live without?

Cell phone, cell phone, tell important things three times

What can you live three hours without?

You can live three hours without water and food

Can you name Three things people cant live without?

Yes, food, water, and shelter (which, in a sense, includes clothing.)

What are three things that all fish have in common?

it could be that they live in the water.some ssnakes live in the water too(:

What are wants?

Needs are things your body can't live without. Wants are things that you only think that you can't live without.

How long can a lion live without food or water?

i think it can last up to three to four days with out any of those things

Could polar bears live without ice?

No, they could not live without ice.

Do you really need cars?

How could you live without cars they are one of the most important things in everyones life by ap1

Could you live without them?

If you tell me who they are, I could answer this much more accurately. But yes, I can probably live without them, whoever they are.

Could you live without water and air?

you cant live without water or air

How many days can you live with or without water?

It's the rule of threes. Three MINUTES without air, three DAYS without water and three WEEKS without food.