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Morphine, digitalis and atropine are the drugs that are derived from plants.

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Q: What plants are included in modern medicine?
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Where did aboriginal people in Canada get their medicine?

Before contact with Europeans they made most of their medicine from plants and animals. They traded with other Aboriginal groups and that trade would have certainly included items used as medicine but most would be sourced locally.

What are the importance and uses of medicinal plants?

Medicinal plants have been used for centuries to treat various health conditions due to their natural therapeutic properties. They provide alternative and complementary treatments for common ailments, offer a sustainable source of medicine, and can help in reducing the side effects of synthetic drugs. Additionally, medicinal plants play a crucial role in traditional medicine systems and have contributed to the discovery of many modern pharmaceutical drugs.

Does osteopathic medicine include modern and conventinal medicine?

Absolutely! Osteopathic medicine as it is practiced in the United States includes modern and conventional medicine.

What deals with all matter that is living?

Biology is the closest answer, but it's a big field ... so botany (plants), zoology (animals), medicine (people) all should be included.

What plants did the Wendat use for medicine?

Medicine Pipes.

How do you use the word modern medicine a sentence?

Modern medicine has proven that homoeopathy is nothing more than a psychological placebo.Thanks to modern medicine, a lot of diseases can be treated quickly.

What are the names of the plants that make medicine?

Herbal Plants

What has the author Faith Mitchell written?

Faith Mitchell has written: 'Hoodoo medicine' -- subject(s): Medicinal plants, Medicine, Traditional, Plants, Medicinal, Traditional medicine

What is the good effect of Medicine?

Medication was invented to treat and cure different illnesses and ailments. In ancient times, before the invention of pharmaceutical medications, plants in nature were used. A lot of modern day medications are derived from these plants.

What can you get from plants?

you can get food , clothes , and medicine

What is conventional medicine and is it different from herbal or traditional or alternative medicine?

Leaving aside all argument as to which is better, "modern medicine" and "conventional medicine" are the same thing. Homeopathic medicine is one of the alternatives to conventional modern medicine, or is part of "alternative medicine".

What miracle healing?

Modern medicine.