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Q: What percentage of the fluid we drink should we urinate out?
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What should you put on lighter fluid spill?

lihter fluid is safe to drink but you would urinate and it would burn don't drink it at all

How often should you urinate daily?

as often as you feel the need depends on how much fluid you intake daily. The average adult bladder holds approximately 1 pint of liquid so you should urinate as many times as your bladder is filled daily. This means, if you drink 2 pints of liquid you should urinate at least twice before you could drink anything else, unless of course you wanted to urinate on yourself.

How much water should you drink if you have fluid retention?

Drink 4 bottles a day

How often should a normal healthy person urinate --- pee--- in a day?

You should take in atleast 2000-2500 ml of water a day to maintain healthy fluid balance in the body. You normally urinate about 1500 ml of that.

Sigs and symptoms of fluid overload?

I don't know about fluid overload, but if you drink a 1/2 gallon of water and or coffee in less than a two hour period. You can expect to urinate quite a bit for the next two to 3 hours after that. An indication that your body has enough water. If you were dehydrated before drinking the water, you wouldn't urinate as much.

How many glasses of fluid should you drink a day?

5 a day

You are 13 and you want to know how much water you should drink every day?

you should drink half your body weight in fluid oz.

Why should blood donors drink a lot of fluids?

Donors are encouraged to drink plenty of liquids to replace the fluid lost with the donated blood. It is important to maintain the fluid volume of the blood so that the blood pressure will remain stable.

Why should a donor in a blood transfusion drink liquids?

Donors are advised to drink lots of liquids to replace the fluid lost with the donated blood. It is important to maintain the fluid volume of the blood so that the blood pressure will remain stable.

How many fluid ounces of water should you drink to equal a liter?

1.5L is 50.72 fl oz.

How much fluid should people who exercise in the summer drink?

It depends on how much extersice you do and the type of food you consume.

Does cerebrospinal fluid replenish itself after lumber puncture?

Yes it does, you should drink lots of fluid afterwards so that it will replenish itself.Source: