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Most people who are really determined manage to quit, but often only after several attempts. That makes the statistics difficult to gather and evaluate.

In addition to the above, statistics extrapolated from the decline in cigarette sales are subject to question, because many people are now purchasing black market smokes, online or imported, to avoid the higher prices, and Indian sales have skyrocketed as well. Since the government gets its figures from decreases in taxed sales, those numbers are suspect.

Some sources hold that the number of smokers has not decreased much, but that they have just gone underground with their purchases.
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Q: What percent of people are able to stop smoking for more than one year?
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What percent of people are able to smoking for more than one year?

Less than 7%

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Why is cigarette smoking a problem with sufferers of schizophrenia?

People with schizophrenia smoke more than the average person. About 30 percent of people in the general population smoke, while nearly 90 percent of people with schizophrenia smoke. Smoking can cause health problems such as emphysema and throat, lung, and mouth cancers. It is theorized that people with schizophrenia smoke because smoking helps with either schizophrenic symptoms or side effects of medications for schizophrenia.

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What is quit smoking program and how effective is?

The quit smoking program on any country aims to get people aware of smoking dangers, it is somewhat effective. However, more and more people is quitting smoking by themselves through internet articles.

How many people are smoking right now?

More thhen a millon people are smoking right now

Is smoking unhealthy?

Smoking is unhealthy because it can affect you and the people around you. Smoking is More poisonous than Rattlesnake venom.

What will happen to people if you band smoking?

iF you band smoking, there will be more smoggling then ever. smoking is an addiction just like drugs.

Do you gain wait from stopping smoking?

Many people gain weight after they quit smoking, but it's not directly from quiting. Most people who give up smoking will eat more because of cravings.

Bad statistics about smoking?

More than 5,000,000 people die each year from smoking to tobacco. A total of 0 people have been reported to have died from smoking marijuana since humans discovered it.

Is smoking bad for old people?

Smoking is bad for EVERYONE. Age is a so-so thing. It's less bad for old people to smoke since they are more likely to die of other reasons before smoking kills them. Smoking is more bad for older people since they often have high blood pressure and poor circulation anyhow, and smoking makes those things worse.

Is smoking going out of fashion?

smoking was never in fashion. stupid people just thought that smoking wold help them make friends!! well there idiots. friends are friends. and they are your friends coz of who you are not what you do. smoking does not make you any more popular!! smoking was never in fashion. stupid people just thought that smoking wold help them make friends!! well there idiots. friends are friends. and they are your friends coz of who you are not what you do. smoking does not make you any more popular!! smoking was never in fashion. stupid people just thought that smoking wold help them make friends!! well there idiots. friends are friends. and they are your friends coz of who you are not what you do. smoking does not make you any more popular!!