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Q: What lifestyle factors promote good health?
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What are 5 lifestyle factors that promote good health?

1. Diet 2. Stress 3. Physical Activity 4.Alcohol 5.Smoking

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Benefits Of A Good Diet?

A good diet has many benefits. Choosing the right foods can help support good cardiovascular health. It can also boost energy. A good diet will also help you maintain healthy hair and skin. It will also improve mental health, as well as promote good sexual health. Making smart food choices can lead to an overall healthy lifestyle.

How does leisure promote good health?

Just stayed at home.

Is mumbai lifestyle beautiful?

Yes, Mumbai lifestyle is balanced. Entertainment plus work keeps you in good health.

What are the bad effects on health?

There can be numerous factors that have bad effects on ones health. Some of these factors include: Smoking, alcoholism, sedentary lifestyle (couch potato), obesity, poor hygiene, poor oral care, bad diet, repetitive motions, and lack of good body mechanics.

What would be a good name for a lifestyle TV show - with segments on Fitness and Health... Business... and Entertainment.?

A good name for a lifestyle TV show about fitness and Health is Lose the Weight. With this title you can incorporate good habits that will reduce procrastination as well.

Would a banana peel patty promote good health?

probably not.

What factors contribute to good health?

Eating healthily/balanced diet, Fruit and Veg instead of Fats and Sugars, Drinking lots of Water and Juice instead of Alcohol and Fizzy drinks, Taking regular Exercise, and also getting Plenty of sleep. Some of your lifestyle can be down to family genetics but most of it is the way YOU live YOUR life!

What important substances found in food which promote growth and good health?


What are the good factors affecting healthy person?

There are two types of factors that affect a healthy person; they are internal or external: Good internal factors would be the knowledge of what is healthy and what is not, and the ability and the desire to make good choices affecting health. Good external factors would be good genetics, a good environment to grow and develop, knowledge available to learn what is good for health and what is not, the freedom to make good choices concerning health, the means to take advantage of choices that are good for health.

What are the factors that help develop good mental health?

genes, good physical health, optimism, meditation