Amma is the sister of Chaambali's mother.Although being a close relative amma treats her like an unpayed,uncared servant.She doesn't give any appercation to Chaambali's work.
The Polar bear is a giant apex predator and hence it shares a Predator - Prey relationship with other species.
single shares
Telstra shares an oligopolic market in which it is a dominating firm.
"mutualism" it's the type of symbiosis that both the animals benefit from the relationship. The shrimp shares his burrow with the goby while the goby acts as the "eyes" of the relationship and keep them safe and even brings food back for the shrimp
Covalent bond :)
A symbiotic relationship with trees.
It is a Symbiotic Relationship.
what kind of chart show the relationship
A loving relationship.
There are three different kinds of sets according to the relationship. The three different kind of sets according to the relationship are binary relationship set, ternary relationship set, and relationship set with abbreviated name.