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A symbiotic relationship with trees.

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Q: What kind of relationship is a lichen?
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What kind of relationship does a lichen illustrate?


What is an organism that consists of a fungus and either algae or anisotropic bacteria that live together in a dualistic relationship?


Is a lichen a combine with another organism?

Lichen is a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a plant.

What symbiotic relationship is lichen (fungus and algae)?

Lichen is a symbiosis between an algae and a fungus.

What type of relationship is shown by lichen?

It is an intermediate between fungi and lichen. It is also a biological indicator

What is a common autotrophic component of a lichen?

Lichen is a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and algae. The algae are the autotrophic component of this partnership. Green algae and cyanobacterium are types of algae commonly found in lichen.

What kind of weathering is caused by lichen?

Lichen eat away at rocks.

Is lichen a kind of coral?

Lichen is not a kind of coral. However, if you have learnt rainforests which I have, Lichens are a type of fungus.

What is the relationship between fungus and alga?

symbiotic(as in lichen)

What is a combination of algae and fungus called?

An algae and a fungus can form a symbiotic relationship into what is known as lichen. However, not all lichen contain a type of algae, a type of cyanobacteria and a fungus makes a lichen as well. Algae and Fungus (a.k.a.Lichen) associations may be considered as examples of mutualism, commensalism or even parasitism, depending on the species.

Is a mushroom a lichen?

no, a mushroom is not a lichen. Mushrooms are mushrooms and lichens are symbiotic relationship of algae/cyanobacteria residing inside a fungi.

What type of symbiotic relationship between algae and fungi?

It is called a lichen.