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Best Healthy Breakfasts: Weetabix/Unsweetened Porridge/Shredded Wheat/ Rice and Wheat Flakes/Bran Flakes. With semi-skimmed milk, combine with fruits - raisins, dried berries or fresh banana slices taste lovely! Glass of pure fruit juice.

Best Healthy Snacks: Low-fat yoghurt, an apple or a banana

Best Healthy Lunch: Ham and cheese toastie with cucmber/lettuce to provide healthy balance, salmon Sandwiches with wholemeal or pitta bread

Best Healthy Dinner: Tuna pasta bake is delicious with boiled potatoes. For dessert, try something fruit-based rather than all chocolatey - for example, apple crumble

Best Healthy Supper: Something light - banana sandwiches are great for a late-night boost if you've got work to do!

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15y ago
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13y ago

It depends on how old you are.Nomally people eats fruits,vegetables,salads.You need to remember to exercise before you eat and after you eat.You should exercise about 3 in a week,so you can be strong and healthy.Rememeber to do exercises so you can fit and sexy.

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13y ago

In order to have a healthy diet you need to have a combination of food groups. some of the most healthful foods are dark green vegetables such as kale which contains many vitamins and minerals needed for survival. Also in order to be healthy you need an average of 30 minutes of exercise a day

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14y ago

There is no single "best" food. A healthy diet incorporates a balanced mixture of different kinds of food.

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13y ago

Meat wise: Chicken (without oils and non- fried), fish (non- fried)

Vegetable's: anything without cheese, butter etc...

stay away from sugars and breads

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