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i think it is a kind of food .When person need it ......

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Q: How many sex in a month is good for health?
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Is the sex is good for health?

Yes sex is good for your health it is a great exercise from constant moving and sweating

Does it feel good to get peed in during sex?

Not if it,s in your month

Is daily sex good 4 health?

it's very good and releases the stress.

You are a 27 year old male and in good health you have been experiencing severe pain in your left abdomen for over a month its so much worse after your girlfriend and you have sex is this ok?

Dont Bover about it, just have ur fun

Iam a17 and you alway feel want to have a sex Then you use your hand to make a sex Is it good for your health?

Yes masturbation is healthy.

How does sexuality affect the health?

When a guy sticks his Location into a girls Destination They create a vast population which is good Sex is good

What are the main categories of intervention's that function to maintain human health?

1. Medication 2. Sex be that good good 109876543210 HA

You have had a period 2 times in 1 month and you have unproteced sex?

i have had 2 periods in 1 month and i have unproteced sex

How often do women like sex?

in my opinion i love sex with my boyfriend and would like to do it about once every two weeks or once a month. this only depends on how good the guy is.

What are the chances of a 44 year old becoming pregnant naturally if she is still ovulating each month?

Assuming that you are releasing a egg every month and have sex when you ovulate, very good.

What would happen if a guy has sex for 5 hours?

Absolutely nothing health wise. Many men have sex for over 5 hours.

What does month of conception mean?

The month that the baby was created. Basically the month you had sex that got you pregnant