Ammonia and Lithium combined with pseudoephedrine or ephedrine will make Methamphetamine. Using ammonium nitrate fertilizer is not recommended due to its tendency to explode.
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It all depends on what kind of neighborhood you are in. If you live in a high crime, gang controlled, poverty stricken neighborhood, I am sure crystal meth is easy to find. If you live in a gated, high-income, low crime area, I am sure crystal meth is not easy to find. It also depends on who you know. If you know a hard-core, crystal meth addict, then I am sure crystal meth is easier to find than if you don't know them. If you live closer to a country or ocean border I am sure it is easier to find crystal meth then if you don't live close to one. If you make your own crystal meth then you are guaranteed to find crystal meth.
No, crystal meth is not grown. It is a man-made substance. Crystal meth is cooked up in homemade laboratories.
Doing weed and crystal meth together is no more dangerous than doing crystal meth alone.
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Yes, which is why it's on the DEA's list of precursor chemicals.
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Crystal meth is slang for methamphetamine, they are the same substance.
The duration of The City Addicted to Crystal Meth is 3600.0 seconds.