

Best Answer

It all depends on what kind of neighborhood you are in. If you live in a high crime, gang controlled, poverty stricken neighborhood, I am sure crystal meth is easy to find. If you live in a gated, high-income, low crime area, I am sure crystal meth is not easy to find. It also depends on who you know. If you know a hard-core, crystal meth addict, then I am sure crystal meth is easier to find than if you don't know them. If you live closer to a country or ocean border I am sure it is easier to find crystal meth then if you don't live close to one. If you make your own crystal meth then you are guaranteed to find crystal meth.

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Is crystal meth grown?

No, crystal meth is not grown. It is a man-made substance. Crystal meth is cooked up in homemade laboratories.

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Yes, he can do crystal meth along with a lot of other stupid things. He can also get charged with a crime if he is caught with it. He can get addicted to it and ruin his life as well as the lives of those around him. Google images of crystal meth users sometime. Use Google to find out what addicts think of crystal meth.

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Doing weed and crystal meth together is no more dangerous than doing crystal meth alone.

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Oh, dude, that's a tricky one! The legal drug that can make you look like you've been hanging out with Heisenberg is good ol' Sudafed. Yeah, the stuff you take for a stuffy nose can sometimes show up as meth in a urine test. So, next time you're feeling under the weather, just remember you might end up looking like a Breaking Bad extra at the doctor's office.

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Crystal meth is slang for methamphetamine, they are the same substance.

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The duration of The City Addicted to Crystal Meth is 3600.0 seconds.

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Crystal meth does not give the user special powers.