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The wrong thing here is that, the man is too old for girl. as a young girl, she has to go through such as education, before getting married, the old man can be girls' father, so why should the man go in for young girl instead of marrying an old woman. This girl can go in for a man who would be ready to take of her,


I don't think there's anything wrong with it if they are dating each for the right reasons and not using each other.

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Q: What is wrong with an older man dating a much younger woman?
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* It's a slang term for a woman 'hunting for younger men ... cat woman stalking her prey', but there is nothing wrong with an older woman dating a younger man as long as he's not a minor. If it's alright for older men to marry young women in their 20's then it's just as right for women. For those who make comments towards you about dating younger men ignore them and just be happy. My own husband is four years younger than myself and we've been happily married for 37 years. Women are strong and they know what they need in their lives if they take time to listen to themselves, so always strive for what you feel will fill the needs you have as long as you are serious and treat the young men you are dating seriously and with respect.

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It would be extremely difficult for each of us to date someone of only our own age. There is nothing wrong with dating someone older or younger than yourself as long as it is within the law.

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Yes ofcourse, a man can marry a woman older to him. To my best knowledge, Hindu marriages accept this. Besides there is nothing wrong in this.

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There are no laws about dating. However, there are laws about sexual content, but if the younger party is over the age of consent (usually 16) then there is no law to prevent it, though there might be issues with other people who feel it is improper.

Is it wrong for a woman to date a younger man if both are in their 20s?

nope, love is love

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no not really bc some younger guys like older girls and some younger girls like older guys its just part of life

Older women dating a man four years younger?

Age difference in relationships can vary and isn't uncommon, as long as both individuals are mature, on the same page in terms of goals and values, and communicate effectively. It's important for both parties to respect each other's boundaries and be understanding of any societal expectations or challenges that may arise due to the age gap. Ultimately, what matters most is the strength of the connection, mutual respect, and compatibility between the two people involved.

What is so wrong for a 15yr to date a 22yr man if they treat them they are gold?

This is wrong legaly, and the older of the couple could be charged. Also, it puts the younger member is in a position to be abused, as younger people often have misconceptions about what love is, as they are under the influenece of hormones and are not old enough or experienced enough to fulyl understand all of the implications of such a situation, or what love is, or know if they are being abused. It is best to wait until you are at least 18 to start dating or having serious relationships with anyone that is more than a year or so older than you.

Is it wrong if the woman is 32 years old and the man is 23?

If the couple are mature then no, a girl of 32 years of age marrying a man of 23 is not wrong. In the 40's often there was an age gap of eight or more years between a couple. If a man can marry a younger woman there is no reason a woman cannot marry a younger man within reason.

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absoluetly NOT - a woman's libido can be greater than a mans - especially when the woman gets older than about 30