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nope, love is love

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Q: Is it wrong for a woman to date a younger man if both are in their 20s?
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Is it wrong to date a younger man?


What do you do on a first date with an older woman?

Same as you should do with a younger woman, treat her with respect, be polite, listen to her when she talks.

Will roc royal date a girl that is 3 years younger than him?

yes! its not wrong at all

Is it wrong for a middle age woman to date someone 14 years younger?

There are no laws about dating. However, there are laws about sexual content, but if the younger party is over the age of consent (usually 16) then there is no law to prevent it, though there might be issues with other people who feel it is improper.

Why do parents think it's wrong to date someone three years younger than you?

because you cant do anything more that date by law

Is it wrong to date a man 8 years younger?

it sounds a little bit doggy who are you mrs tickle

Is it wrong for a 37 year old man to date a 54 old woman?

No, they are both legal adults and should do what they wish to be happy. If others have problems with it it's their problem.

Is it wrong for a 22 year old man to date a 44 year old woman?

NO! What is so wrong about it? Everyone is equal!

How do you get an older guy to think its ok to date a younger women?

To get an older guy to feel comfortable dating a younger woman, it's important to communicate openly and honestly about your feelings and intentions. Show him respect and understanding, address any concerns he may have, and build a strong emotional connection based on mutual compatibility and respect. Ultimately, age should not be the determining factor in a healthy relationship.

Is it wrong to like your best friends brother that's younger than you by two years?

no because you can date anyone you like

Should you date a seperated woman?

That is really between you and what you both decide. If your concerned as she is only seperated, date and don't make things too complicated or serious at this point - there is nothing wrong with being friends and getting to know one another.

Is it wrong for a 24 year old woman to date a 20 year old man?

Of course not.