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Okay so I track my period every month with an app and it s always accurate well it says I m supposed to start tomorrow (Wednesday ) well last night I started cramping very mildly well earlier that day I took a home pregnancy test and was negative well my cramping lasted 10 mins max if that. Again it was mild but I ve had no spotting or bleeding I ve been moody I craved chocolate my breast have been tender I m easily agitated I m tired and my lower abdomen is tender upon mild pressure. I m still having mild discharge that was sticky now watery but it s not a lot. So I m thinking I ovulated late but my periods and ovulation are usually normal and on track I ve been pregnant three times before and have had two healthy babies. I don t feel pregnant but every pregnancy different bit home tests have always been accurate for me. So I m wondering if anyone can shed some light on the subject so I can stop stressing over it I d love to be pregnant and have another baby but I m also just wanting my body to make up its mind. I m thinking I should just be patient and see what happens.

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Q: What is wrong No period and negative pregnancy test?
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How likely is it that a pregnancy test is wrong showing symptoms no period negative test?

Most pregnancy tests are 99%

Can negative pregnancy test be wrong?

a negative pregnancy test can be wrong because it could have misditected, a positive pregnany can't be wrong though.

Why do i have negative pregnancy test but no period yet?

First of all, the test may be wrong. Also, is your period even regular. Maybe it is just acting weird.

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pregnancy test could be wrong. try a more accurate one

Can you have negative pregnancy test and period but still be pregnant?

There are always pregnancy tests that can show up negative and you can still be pregnant. The best thing to do is check with your doctor and ask for a pregnancy test. Remember though even the doctor's test can even be wrong. There is not one single pregnancy test that is always 100% correct.

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Is pregnancy still possible after having a period and negative test?

No, a period and a negative HPT (used at the appropriate time) indicates no pregnancy.

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What is wrong if you haven't had your period in 2 months and you've had 5 pregnancy negative test?

See your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What if your period stated on the 20Th of February it is now the 26Th of March you still haven't gotten your period you took a pregnancy test but it said negative what does this mean?

well it most likely means that either your period is late, your pregnant and the pregnancy test lied to you or you may have read the test wrong.

Period and negative pregnancy test?

. . . means that you arent pregnant.