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I'm 2 weeks late and I have taken 3 pregnancy tests and a blood test all came back negative. I have all the symptoms missed period, sore breats, and morning sickness. Could a blood pregnancy test be wrong? or could I have had a miscarriege?

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Q: What does it mean if I am feeling sick at certain parts of the day having period cramps but no period and negative pregnancy test?
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o yea

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Feeling tired and stomach cramps yes. But you usually don't get gassy ar go to the bathroom frequently until you are further along. Like 4 months along.

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Yes it is very normal 4 out of 5 people get cramps in early pregnancy and may have extreme cramps.

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Even if a pregnancy test showed up negative, cramps and acne that randomly occur with a missed period could signal pregnancy. Wait a few days and then test again.

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I had period like cramps with no bleeding from Tuesday before my period was due ( was due Saturday) Friday I did a pregnancy test and was positive so yes you could be.

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Cramps are a sign of pregnancy, i was sure i was coming on my period i had all the cramps etc.. im now 5 months pregnant

How painful are cramps in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Everyone is different and every pregnancy is different. I had cramps during my first pregnancy which felt a lot like period cramps, but I did not have cramps during my other two pregnancies. They usually disappear after the third month (12 weeks.)

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Cramps and breast tenderness 12 days before my period and had a positive home pregnancy test and a negative blood test done?

You're not pregnant?

If you have nausea head ace stomach and back cramps could that mean pregnancy?

Yes if you have cramps, backache, nausea and headache , these are signs of pregnancy.