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you scratch the body with the wrist, like for example, putting purfume on ur wrist and putting it on ur neck...... ot it now? haha.

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Q: What is wrist scratching?
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What does it mean when someone scratches their wrist and then bumps their fists together?

This action can be a sign of nervousness or anxiety. Scratching the wrist can indicate discomfort, while bumping fists together may be a way to release tension. Overall, the person may be feeling uneasy or stressed in that moment.

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Tagalog translation of scratching: nagkakamot

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He developed the "scratching" technique.

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Examples of using the word "wrist".My wrist looks cool with this wrist band.My wrist ache's as i got hurt yesterday.

Are fingernails proximal to the wrist?

Yes, fingernails are distal to the wrist. The wrist is considered proximal to the fingernails.

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Wrist abduction is when the wrist moves away from the body, while wrist adduction is when the wrist moves towards the body.

Is the wrist distal or proximal to the shoulder?

The wrist is distal to the shoulder. The shoulder is proximal to the wrist.

Is the wrist distal or proximal to the hand?

nope. easy way to remember: proximal=proximity, hence closer to the body, and distal=distance, hence further away from the body. so the wrist is distal to the shoulder, and the shoulder is proximal to the wrist. make sense?

Why do cats like scratching?

Cats like scratching because it allows them to sharpen their claws.

What muscle is the antagonist during extension of forearm?

The flexor carpi radialis is the agonist muscle in wrist flexion. This muscle, know as a wrist flexor, is located in the forearm.

where is the capillary is locate?

it is in your wrist

Is elbow inferior to the wrist?

No. It is superior to the wrist.