Just 1 :DD
there are two syllables
There are 14 syllables.
your mom is the amount of syllables in Abate i joke there are 2 syllables in Abate
There are four syllables in the word "usually".
Just 1 :DD
Two: (Wrist-watch)
Examples of using the word "wrist".My wrist looks cool with this wrist band.My wrist ache's as i got hurt yesterday.
Yes, fingernails are distal to the wrist. The wrist is considered proximal to the fingernails.
Wrist abduction is when the wrist moves away from the body, while wrist adduction is when the wrist moves towards the body.
The wrist is distal to the shoulder. The shoulder is proximal to the wrist.
nope. easy way to remember: proximal=proximity, hence closer to the body, and distal=distance, hence further away from the body. so the wrist is distal to the shoulder, and the shoulder is proximal to the wrist. make sense?
The flexor carpi radialis is the agonist muscle in wrist flexion. This muscle, know as a wrist flexor, is located in the forearm.
it is in your wrist
No. It is superior to the wrist.
The plural of wrist is wrists.
Tagalog Translation of WRIST: pulso