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half for a tablet and 1ml for syrup

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Q: What is the usual amount of medicine to be given for a test dose?
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An Amount of medicine to be taken is called what?

A dose.

Is it correct to say a douse of medicine?

The word douse means to pour something. The word dose is to pour a measured amount "a dose of medicine"

Are dose and dosage same?

Dose can refer to the noun of a prescribed amount of medicine or the act of administering that medicine. Dosage refers solely to the first meaning.

Can Lantus be given twice daily?

Yes a usual dose would be to take it every 12hrs.

What is 'minimum dose' in homoeopathy?

"The law of minimum dose' was given by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in 1801.It states that: Infinitesimally small dose (only that amount of medicine is administered which is sufficient to cure the disease, not more that that, that means no overdosing) of potentised medicine to stimulate your innate healing powers.Potentisingthe medicine increases it collative medicinal powers through dynamisation (serial dilution and succussion/trituration) and avoids unwanted side-effects.

What is the difference between a vaccine and a booster?

The difference between a vaccine and a booster is the time it is given. A vaccine is primarily referred to as the first dose of a medicine to prevent disease. A booster is a dose given after the initial dose to strengthen the effect of the first dose.

What dose a heliograph measure?

It measures he amount of sunlight at a given location.

What is customary dose for certain body weight called?

Usual dose is the term refers to " customary dose for body weight." so Answer to Q. : it is called "Usual dose."

What does 'dosed' mean?

A dose is a noun that means a measure of medicine. It can also be used as a verb that means administering the measure of medicine.As slang, it can mean to deliver something as though it were medicine, as in, "He thinks he's tough? I'll give him a dose of this."It can also be a common misspelling of 'does'.

What is the Difference between dose and dosage form?

A dose refers to the amount of a medication administered at one time, while a dosage form refers to the physical form in which a medication is presented for administration (e.g., tablet, capsule, liquid). In other words, the dose is the quantity of the medication, while the dosage form is the way in which it is delivered.

What is the amount of penicillin given in a shot?

Penicillin has very large margin of safety. Usual adult dose of procaine penicillin is 600,000 I.U. (International units) per day. The adult dose of penicillin can be given up to 24 million I. U. of crystalline penicillin per day in meningitis. The first dose of penicillin, that was given to the patient as trial dose was only 5000 I.U. few times per day. It was given during second world war. The most wonderful thing that this small dose did work. The patient started to improve. Later on died of infection, only because the stock of penicillin got exhausted.

Where do you use dose?

You use a dose with medicine. For example; I need to take a dose of my medicine before i go to bed.