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Q: What is the purpose of NREM sleep and REM sleep?
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What are characteristics of REM sleep?

You have the alternate episodes of REM and NREM types of sleep. REM sleep is characterized by rapid eye moment type of sleep. You can easily spot that the person is moving his eye ball and flickers the eye lids. The electroencephalogram of the patient is specific for REM and NREM sleep.

Do nrem and rem sleep alternate through most of the sleep cycle?


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If you encounter someone sleepwalking you can be certain that he or she a. is in NREM sleep c. is in REM sleep b. suffers from insomnia d. is acting out a dream?


During what cycle of sleep does the body do most of its energy restoration?

The most restorative stage of sleep is NREM-3.In a sleep cycle you progress through the stages:Initial sleep induction: NREM-1 -> NREM-2 -> NREM-3Full sleep cycle: NREM-3 -> NREM-2 -> NREM-1 -> REM -> NREM-1 -> NREM-2 -> NREM-3.A full sleep cycle takes approximately 90 minutes, but the time you spend in each stage changes during the night. At first you spend more time in stage 3, but as your body rests it will spend more and more time in REM.

What does the body experience in the deepest stage of sleep?

Before your body goes to full sleep mode,your body shakes.(Sometimes you sleep through it)It gives you the illusion that you fell. Scientists are not exactly sure why,but that is where we get the expression falling asleep.

What do REM and NREM stand for?

NREM stands for non rapid eye movement... its a dreamless sleep where breathing and heart rate are regular, the blood pressure is below normal and the sleeper is still. NREM sleep is divided into 4 stages of increasing depth leading to REM sleep.

What are the two types of sleep?

rapid eyes movement (REM) and non rapid eyes movement (NREM)

What is non-rapid eye movement sleep?

Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep-- A type of sleep that differs from rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The four stages of NREM sleep account for 75-80% of total sleeping time.

Do rem sleep make you sleep walk?

No, during REM sleep, the brain is active, however any muscle activity is suppressed to prevent you from acting out dreams. During stages 3 and 4 of NREM sleep sleepwalking is known to occur.

How long do typical sleep cycles last?

It depends on the person, and the sleep, but the first stage averages at about 90 minutes, with stages 2-4 taking on average 100-120 minutes. The cycle generally proceeds from NREM (non-REM) stages 1-3 to REM (stage 4), back down to NREM, and back to REM, several times a night, generally ending in an REM stage before awakening.

What is nrem-3 sleep?

what is nrem-3 sleep