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Deafness means inability to hear. There are many causes of impaired hearing. Most of them are not able to be treated with medication, but other treatments are available.

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What are the limitations of hearing impairment?

If you have hearing impairment, your limitations would include not hearing auditory only things, speech impairment, and using a second language that a lot of people do not know (ASL).

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Hearing Impairment

What are the limitations of hearing?

If you have hearing impairment, your limitations would include not hearing auditory only things, speech impairment, and using a second language that a lot of people do not know (ASL).

What is hearing impairment?

This will be a pretty easy question to answer since i am hearing impaired... its when you have hearing loss to a certain extent.

What is sensory impairments and list 4 types of sensory impairment?

Sensory impairments refer to difficulties in processing sensory information, such as sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. The four main types of sensory impairments are visual impairment, hearing impairment, tactile impairment (problems with touch), and olfactory impairment (loss of sense of smell).

How is hearing impairment determined in an infant?

Hearing impairment can be determined in an infant by doing early screening and diagnosis after birth. Screening can be done with 1 or 2 tests. Both measure how a baby respond to sound and it takes 5 - 10 min and is also painless. Hearing impairment can only be diagnosed by specialist.

What types of treatments are offered to the hearing impaired?

THere are many treatments available for the hearing impaired, such as: hearing aids, therapy, and surgeries. You need to have a doctor diagnose the severity of your impairment before researching the treatments. Each impairment will have different treatments.

Nerve hearing impairment can be best treated with what?

cochlear implants

Are hearing loss and hearing impairment the same thing?

No. Hearing loss depends on the decibel listened to and the period of time. Everyone is prone to having hearing loss.

Definition of hearing impairment?

Hearing impairment is any loss of hearing for a variety of reasons. It refers to a condition that causes someone not to hear as well as someone with normal hearing. It does not refer to the degree of hearing loss, the cause of hearing loss or the indication that someone should wear a hearing aid. Not all causes of hearing loss indicate the need for a hearing aid...some may be corrected medically. If you ask others to repeat, find yourself turning up the tv, missing out on the punchline of a joke, missing out on important meeting facts, you might be experiencing some degree of hearing impairment.

Where could one find phones manufactured for people with hearing impairment?

Best Buy offer phones for people with hearing impairment. This includes the manufacturer: Clarity, Cortelco, Ameriphone, ClearSounds, Motorola and Vtech.

Is there a disease or syndrome that causes you to speak too loud?

Hearing impairment